Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Assignment 13 - Light Painting

Light Painting

Mr. Paul Simon painted with a LED light

Mr. Paul Simon painted using one Speedlight fired in many angles

Post a Picture

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Speed Light Assignment

On Camera Direct Flash
Off Camera Flash

Fill Light

Flash With Modifier

Thursday, September 22, 2016


The Tramp and the King  

Group: Raquel, Carla, Serichei and Sara

The two photos illustrated below were made using the 250 watt halogen bulb. Both portraits had different light directions and projected inverse feelings. On both photos it is possible to see two laws of light: The inverse square law (angle of incidence = angle of reflection) and the inverse square law, when a light gradient hits the subject. 

Left Photo: Light was used on the right side of the subject to create shape and highlight what needed to be shown. A black reflector was used on the left side to absorb the light and help creating shadows to add drama.

Right Photo: Direct Light angled down from the top right was used to create the royalty mood by leaving harsh shadows on the body and bringing the face and crown to the spot.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016


Description: In one photograph using one light source clearly demonstrate the 3 laws of light at work. Include the light source in the photograph. The subject is the light. Think of it as more of a physics project than a photograph. Use a dodging tool  to prevent the light from flaring the lens.  Try to crop out any rigging you might use and make the image about the light.